Saturday, June 7, 2008

What a day!

Well yesterday we got the phone call from the Children's Cook home health that we could discontinue the use of the cardiac apnea monitor for AJ! We are so very excited! He has been on some kind of monitor since he was born that is 4months and 1 week! I am so thankful to not have him plugged into the wall anymore.

So, I am trying out new things all the time with AJ to see if it will help with his reflux, so I tried a new bottle last night with formula (I am introducing 1 bottle of formula at night with the twins because when I go back to work it will be to hard to nurse and pump) so I am not sure if it was the formula, the bottle, or the fact that he had been crying straight for 4 hours, but he projectile vomited his entire bottle all over me all over him and all over the floor, it was terrible. I was crying and he was just smiling, and Chris went into overdrive and cleaned up the floor and AJ. It has been about 2 months since he had a projectile so I am not sure what it was but it was not fun!

As for Alivia she is doing great! She is addicted to her pacifier and it drives me crazy when she has lost it because it seems to be the end of the world if it falls out of her mouth!!! I am ready for the time she can pick it up and put it in her mouth herself!

I went to a church daycare yesterday and checked it out! It was really nice and everyone there seemed so loving and nurturing! It makes me feel safe and secure that they will be going to a place that is like that! But as I drove away this feeling overcame me about what is it really going to be like the first time I have to leave them for more that 4 hours, in the care of complete strangers!!! I started to cry a little bit! But I still have about 2 more months until that dreaded day!

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