Saturday, September 13, 2008

It has been awhile....

Well things have been a little crazy the past 2 and half months. Let's start with the fact that Chris and I moved to Bedford to be closer to my family and to my work. I work in Euless which is about 5 miles from my house. The church daycare that we decided to put the babies in is about 2 miles from my house it is so convenient. We are really still in the process of moving. It is very difficult to move with twins and having Eli every other weekend. But we have most everything we need. There are some odds and ends to get and then we need to clean the house so Chris' parents can sell it. Our hope was that Jocelyn (Chris' sister) would move into the house but she had other plans to move to DC to be with her boyfriend.

Also I went back to work on the 15th of August and it has been a whirlwind to say the least. Putting the babies in daycare has been very difficult for me. I do good when I am at work it is the morning drive into work that saddens me. I miss them terribly when I am away from them. But is nothing compared to the time we had to leave them at the hospital for so long.

With the support of my family and friends it has been better everyday. It seems to get easier everyday. It helps that my sister and a few friends have their children there.

Well the babies are doing wonderful you would never guess they were born early (besides their size) They are 7 months old. They are only about a month or so behind. No real problems to speak of. Alivia had her first ear infection and did not take Will to the "pink medicine". I believe that AJ is getting it now. I guess this is how it is going to be one will get it and then the other a few days or weeks later. They are both sleeping through the night about 10-12 hours. Alivia is starting to do a little more talking. She rolls over and is showing signs of wanting to crawl. AJ is my talkative one. I can see it now he will get the "talks at inappropriate times" on his report card. He rolls over as well and sometimes shows some signs of crawling. But mostly when he rolls over on his tummy he wants to go to sleep. They are such wonderful blessings in our lives and we love them more and more everyday, if that is even possible.

I will try to keep up with the blog now that things are settling down a little bit.

I also have some friends in my life that need your prayers right now. Please think of them tonight when you sit down to relax, for me. Thank you very much.